What We Can Do For You!
At Stitch It, we’re able to do alterations on a number of household items! Household alterations can be just as important as clothing alterations. Whether it be curtains you love, or repairing a blanket that means the world to you, we take alterations on household items just as seriously as we take clothing alterations.
For example, picture your curtains just how you want them and contact us to discuss how we’ll alter and/or shorten curtain panels.
When you find curtains you love, you don’t want too much length to get in the way. We may not be able to come into your house to take measurements, but we have put together a helpful handout to walk you through each step of the process.
Curtains aren’t the only thing we do alterations on. Things such as tablecloths, blankets, quilts, and even pillows are all able to be worked on by our talented team of seamstresses and tailors!
Find a Stitch It location near you and ask about our household alterations today!